We won, eventhough we are not the winner :)
Nggak tau gimana caranya, akhirnya Nikita berhasil dapet tiket buat kita nonton Final AFF Cup 2010 Indonesia vs Malaysia. Dengan harga yang lumayan normal. :p Yang pasti yang aku tau, malem sebelum hari final, aku dan adek aku, devi dikasi tiket itu.
Jeng jeng jeng. Kita berangkat ke Senayan City sebelum jam 3, baru jalan ke GBK jam 5 kurang, dan nyampe kira-kira pas jam 5.
Tadaaa.... Here is the story yang buat aku bakal mikir ribuan kali buat nonton pertandingan sejenis nantinya. I meant, nontonnya sih enak, CROWDEDnya boookk!!!
Aku bertiga naik ke tribun atas lewat pintu 8 dan itu sangat amat penuh. Tapi kayanya semua pintu juga penuh sih. Sejam lebih berusaha masuk, -aku nggak akan cerita gimana prosesnya plus desak-desakan plus dorong-dorongan semuanya karena mikir dan ngingat itu aja bikin stress sampe sekarang. Pokoknya intinya keadaan sangat nggak manusiawi-, akhirnya kita bisa masuk ke dalam, which was tempat yang udah agak legaan karena emang udah lewatin 1 pintu masuk dan belom ke arah pintu masuk ke tribunnya (oh iya, kita nungguin abang aku onay yang nyusulin abis pulang kerja) .
Karena kita disuruh masuk duluan sama si abang, akhirnya kita nyoba nyari tempat. Gila!!! Chaos kedua! Pintu pertama, PENUH, -lagi lagi aku males inget2 yang terjadi di tahap ini karena sangat nggak manusiawi dan sangat nggak perempuani (kita bertiga cewek) bahkan ingetnya aja bikin stress jungkir balik goyang dombret-, liat orang-orang lari ke pintu selanjutnya, kita ikutan lari karena katanya itu tempat tadinya sengaja dikosongin dan baru boleh diisi setelah Pak Presiden duduk, dan setelah ngantri panjang dan desek2an, itu pintu PENUH juga. :(
Dan kita lanjut ke pintu lain. Hmm aku nggak ngitung kita nyoba berapa pintu, yang pasti semua pintu yang kita coba sangat nggak manusiawi. Sampai akhirnya di pintu terakhir yang karena ditambah capek dari pintu-pintu sebelumnya, KITA NYERAH. Seandainya tadi aku lagi "dapet", atau belom makan, atau lagi agak pusing, mungkin aku udah pingsan di pintu pertama, atau bahkan udah mati di tempat. Oke berlebihan. Haha.
TIba-tiba abang aku came from nowhere, dan dia bilang, "coba masuk yok" ohhh COME ON..
balabalabalabala, <---- itu artinya bolak balik kiri kanan dengan hasil yang sama, akhirnya kita bener bener nyerah. ENOUGH.
Dan denger-denger orang teriak2 di luar (pertandingan baru mulai), setelah diliat Thank's God, ada Giant Screen di luar stadion. Akhirnya dengan jongkok-jongkok kita nonton di tangga (anggep aja di VIP, hehe). Yang penting dibabak kedua kita dapet spot yang lebih manusiawi dan sedikit lebih nyaman daripada sebelumnya yang harus latihan balet dulu biar bisa bengkok-bengkokin badan. Haha.
Di beberapa menit babak kedua Indonesia kebobolan 1 gol dari Malaysia, dan itu malah bikin banyak banget penonton mulai beranjak pulang. Ada 3 kemungkinan, satu mereka udah terlanjur kecewa dan yakin Indonesia pasti kalah (ps: Indonesia harus menang 4-0 atau 5-1 biar bisa juara), dua mereka ga tega liat timnas dan penonton lain sedih di endingnya, dan yang terakhir mereka takut rusuh kalo timnas kalah. Haha.
Pokonya yang pasti, setelah gol itu, dan pertandingan jadi agak alot, banyak penonton yang mulai kabur, padahal gak lama setelah itu Timnas malah ngegolin 2. Good Job. 2-1. We won. Walaupun kita bukan juaranya saat ini.
Eit eit eit, karena Indonesia nggak juara, penonton langsung cabs pulang, dan KITA MASUK. :D Kita yang penting liat beberapa menit terakhir plus ceremony penyerahan medali dan piala. :)
Kita nungguin sampe ceremony selesai sambil took some pics. :)
Dan kita pulang kekosan dengan JALAN KAKI dari stadion sampe pasar palmerah, walaupun jadi nggak berasa karena jalan sambil ngobrol, dan kita bukan satu-satunya disana, beratus-ratus orang!
We finally home after about 8 crazy hours.
Congratulations Indonesia, we won.
Congratulations Malaysia for the cup you got.
Thanks Riedl for the change you made for our team.
I love my country Indonesia. :)
Aku amazed sama gimana sepakbola bikin Indonesia jadi kompak, tua muda, kaya miskin, presiden sampe pemulung, semua "merah".
"Sangat ajaib bagaimana sepakbola menyatukan kita, dimana ketawa seorang presiden sama bahagianya dengan ketawa seorang tukang becak saat melihat Indonesia menang. Dan sedih seorang presiden sama besarnya dengan sedih seorang tukang bakso saat menyaksikan tim Indonesia kalah."
Garuda di Dadaku :)
Thanks to my sister, my brother and Nikita for "hari digencet sedunia" :)
ps : next time kalo mau nntn lagi, liat situasi dulu. :)
Chocolate Pancake Recipe
250 ml susu segar
2 butir telur ayam
50 gr mentega, lelehkan
3 sdm gula pasir
100 tepung terigu
10 gr cokelat bubuk
1 sdt baking powder
½ sdt soda kue
75 gr chocolate chips
Susu kental manis cokelat
Keju cheddar parut
Cara membuat:
1. Untuk Adonan : Aduk tepung terigu, gula pasir, baking powder, soda kue, cokelat bubuk hingga rata dalam mangkuk.
2. Buat lubang ditengahnya, lalu tuangkan telur , diaduk
3. Masukkan mentega, masukkan susu, aduk hingga halus
4. Panaskan wajan dadar, olesi mentega
5. Tuang tiap 1 sdm sayur adonan dalam wajan. Masak hingga berlubang-lubang halus. Taburi chocolate chips. Masak hingga matang. Angkat.
6. Tuangkan sedikt susu kental manis cokelat & taburi keju cheddar parut. Siap disajikan.
- Jika ingin pancake polos, jumlah cokelat bubuk bisa dihilangkan atau diganti dengan teoung terigu.
- Sebagai variasi bisa ditambahkan potongan pisang atau kismis.
copycat alert
i knew a quote from... i don't know.. :) it says "Don't do anything that you're not good at." but i know someone who always want to do what ever everyone like to do. got it?
When you do something that you like, and you good at, you will do it cause it makes you happy. Then this one i talking about do it like you did (copy everything that you did, even he/she doesn't know exactly what to do) , just to make everyone around that she/he could do everything.
another example, when you have something, which looks good, and your friends say it's cool, this person i talking about will buy the same thing to make everyone know that she/he is way COOLER. but it's really really NOT..!! LABIL! haha
Don't do whatever everyone do to make everyone thinks that you're COOL. It's just gonna make everyone thinks that you are FOOL. Just do whatever you wanna do. Do what you like to do. Unless you want to get "COPYCAT" in the middle of your name. No offense please. I just saying.
looks like i'm losing control of what i was say. haha. no offense please, seriously. the one that i was talking about isn't really exist, but exist. hahahaa..
He got needles, medicines, blue laser-things, and everything which look sooooo sharp..!! It make everyone's trembling. At least, it made me always trembling. and the only thing i like in dentist is just the have very colorful rubbers, you know the rubber for the braces, haha.. It's the only thing that looks normal.
Periodically, I visit dentist since a year ago. and since that I really really hope that it would come to an end AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, you know, visit the dentist-stuff. Oh poor me.
My dentist, actually, is not the worst. But he got another dentist's habits. You know, like let your patient's mouth open like more than hours. It's not a good habit, dentist..
And you know the non-sense thing about being in dentist is.. When your dentist keep talking to you when your mouth is open widely. it was like horrible. He keep working in your mouth while you should answer his question.
Last day I visited my dentist, he did that..! crap! and I was like
me : (mouth open) ga, ha ang-ha ang aya. agina eya.. (kadang-kadang aja. tadinya iya)
and heck yeah your spit is going everywhere. And it's so not cool. period.
See? Hey all the dentist in the world, you ain't got no answer if you keep doing a conversation like that. Just saying.
oh yeah, I just remember something. I'm gonna visit my dentist early this month. NEXT WEEK! Can you imagine that? oh nooooooooooooo.. Bless me, God...
hard being a good person
I learned so much in 2 seminars today. It were Public Speaking seminar, and Radio coaching clinic-or something like that-seminar. :)
One of the source said that "You COMPLAIN about everything in your life, It's just make you feel something in negative way. Control your self. Think about the other side and the circumstances could be different and make it positive."
Yeah, I just realize how much I always complain about every single thing in my life. Why'd I always complain when I know that it won't change anything if I just complain with-OUT doing something. it's just kinda wasted energy, wasn't it?
So, here what i try to do next is ... When I about to complaining something, I'm gonna try to forget it. can I? haha. It's kinda impossible. I think human is natural for complaining. No offense. I'm a human too.
Another quote that I remember is "When you are about talking with somebody that you don't like, be neutral. It's all in your mind. You have to take control of your mind. Think positive. Positive. Positive." And me? When I hate on somebody I would really rude. Silly me. I was wrong. i know.. my bad. bad Sandra.
ouch, seems like so hard being a good person. hahahaha..
where is my life?
i just realized. where have i been?
sometimes i feel like i've never had a life LIFE. what exactly happen? why i couldn't figure it out until now?
you know, i'm in my way, then there is a wall in front of me, instead break it by my self, i just take a rest until someone break it for me.
i wonder how the way to START IT..!!!!
stop being like a jerk.
"My deepest condolence for the death of your heart, bi**h. I've never hope anything but you get your own life. Oh yeah, I know you don't even have a life so you tried to have one by ruin mine. You was WRONG!! Totally wrong! You don't even know what family means. Family means LIFE for me. And NO ONE can ruin my life."
"You want my advice, bi**h? Just figure out what made your heart died. I don't think you could have your heart back (because it was totally useless even if it still exist) so maybe you could just stay there and look around. Try to find what's make another person alive, and you not (i wish you have enough brain to think about it, but if you're not then.. I don't know.. You still remember how to pray to God, don't you?"
oh.. That's all my short letter. Maybe looks like short here, but in my mind, there are more than a book if I write it down.
Sorry for this uncomfortable. I don't mean rude to anybody but this person. She deserves more than this rudeness.
me and my sister.
and my holiday is OVER.. can't hardly wait to the next holiday. America maybe. wahaha. i'm dreaming..