Internship. Checked.

Let's talk about my INTERNSHIP.

All internship thing finally DONE right after 3 months I ended the internship itself. Feels like someone took away a ton stone over my shoulders. I am officially relieved about this "first depression thing" I talked about a year ago. And yeah, things are getting harder if we think about it, but it'll much more easier if we start to do it. Now, I believe it. Don't know tomorrow. HA! :)

Actually, I'm a bit sad when I know I'm no longer need to go to the office. No, happy yeah (if I think about one old guy who was so ribet and kind of crazy. no offense), but sad because beside that old guy things, I like the office. Really like.

I remember when I have to wake up every 6 in the morning so I could go to the office without being on traffic (but I always late and always trapped in a full bus and crazy traffic).
When I wait for the lift, then came to the room, open the room with my ID Card (sometimes when I went to the toilet, left the ID card on the table and trapped outside the room, so I have to wait till another employee came and open the door, sometimes, again not every time haha).
Then filling the absence book. (sometimes become red, if I late)
When I sometimes came too early, I went to the supermarket just so I had something to do. Buying food, milk, waffles, candy, etc. (no wonder I gained weight after).

Remember when my supervisor worked outside the room and didn't come before lunch, so there was nothing I should do. And usually, I pretended to do a lot of things, but sst, don't tell anyone seriously, I did nothing. Just day dreaming or learning Spanish on my laptop, or sometime Arabic. Or tweeting on my BB.
When I drink, toilet, and drink, and toilet again, so that (again) I have something to do. (seriously, at first I thought I was the only internship-er who felt like this, always wondering what to do next. I asked my friends, they always did too. Haha. High Five).

Remember when I saw the clock, it was like 11.45 or 11.55, and wondering why clock don't have any "fast forward" button. Then 12.00, and I heard an tiny alarm (on absence machine, the beep every 08.00 and 12.00 and 17.00) I stand up and tell my friends to take a lunch. And we make sure we get back to the room 1pm, not earlier.
Then again do nothing by 1pm to 5pm. Actually, I wasn't always doing nothing. Sometimes, my supervisor gave me a little work. Thanks God I had the best and kind supervisor, not the old man I told before. But mostly, he gave me easy tasks to do. I could do it in minutes. :p
Then, 3pm was usually sleepy time. I sometimes made coffee for keeping my eye open. At least till 5pm.
Remember when 5 pm and the signing beep on the absence machine sounds like a school bell ringing to me. (actually I packed my stuff to go home before so 5pm, I stand and go. haha). And the crazy traffic (always) was waiting.

Arrived home, I couldn't do anything. Showered, then sleep. Then another morning comes. Another day begun.
Intense, but why did I found that it sometimes interesting.

And although they have an employee who acted like a monster, I 'd really like if I could do my thesis there.

And now, "the next depressing thing" has just begun. :)

Ophiuchus, new Zodiac sign dates and your real astrological sign - Pop2it - Zap2it

Ophiuchus, new Zodiac sign dates and your real astrological sign - Pop2it - Zap2it

I am Sagittarius since I was born, and I am happy. But now I am a Scorpio? This is just weird.

Inspirative Story

Christopher L Jr - Dari Tukang Ledeng menjadi GM Customer Satisfaction dan Public Relation

Pernahkah anda mendengar nama Christopher L। Jr? Sekelumit cerita tentang dirinya yang menurut saya layak untuk dibagikan kepada anda sebagai sumber motivasi dalam melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan / tugas-tugas anda baik di kantor, di luar kantor, dan sebagainya.

Christopher L. Jr. adalah seorang tukang ledeng. Suatu hari bos Mercedez Benz mempunyai masalah dengan kran air di rumahnya. Kran itu selalu bocor hingga dia khawatir anaknya terpeleset jatuh.

Atas rekomendasi seorang temannya, Mr. Benz menelepon seorang tukang ledeng untuk memperbaiki kran miliknya. Perjanjian perbaikan ditentukan 2 hari kemudian karena si tukang ledeng rupanya cukup sibuk. Si tukang ledeng sama sekali tidak tahu bahwa si penelpon adalah boss pemilik perusahaan mobil terbesar di Jerman.

Satu hari setelah ditelepon Mr. Benz, si tukang ledeng menghubungi Mr. Benz untuk menyampaikan terima kasih karena sudah bersedia menunggu satu hari lagi. Boss Mercy-pun kagum atas pelayanan dan cara berbicara si tukang ledeng.

Pada hari yang telah disepakati, si tukang ledeng datang ke rumah Mr. Benz untuk memperbaiki kran yang bocor. Setelah memperbaiki kran tersebut, si tukang ledeng ini menerima pembayaran atas jasanya dan pulang ke rumahnya.

Sekitar 2 minggu setelah hari itu, si tukang ledeng menghubungi Mr. Benz lagi untuk menanyakan apakah kran yang diperbaiki sudah benar-benar beres atau masih timbul masalah. Apakah reaksi Mr. Benz? Mr. Benz berpikir pasti orang ini orang hebat walaupun hanya seorang tukang ledeng saja. Mr. Benz menjawab di telepon bahwa kran di rumahnya sudah benar-benar beres dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas pelayanan si tukang ledeng tersebut.

Tahukah anda, bahwa beberapa bulan kemudian Mr. Benz merekrut si tukang ledeng ini untuk bekerja di perusahaannya? Si Tukang Ledeng yang bernama Christopher L. Jr. saat ini Beliau menjabat sebagai General Manager Customer Satisfaction and Public Relation di Mercedez Benz!